About PALC24 conference
The Annual PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries has become a major event for the Library Community in Greece. It offers a valuable opportunity for discussion, updates on the latest news, presentations of technological and operational developments and contacts with scientists that work in Libraries or external partners-suppliers. It also gives the chance for constructive debates and collaborative agreements...
The PanHellenic Conference of Academic Libraries has been held annually over the past 25 years. Although it experienced a three-year pause due to the financial difficulties that the Academic Institutions faced and consequently their libraries, it successfully revived in 2017 by the Library and Information Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The Library & Information Center of the Technological Institution of Thessaly is honored to welcome, for the second time since 2002, the:
"Sm@rt Libraries: A Digital World of Infinite Opportunities"
on 1-2 November 2018 at the Technological Institution of Thessaly
The aim of the 24th PanHellenic Academic Libraries Conference (PALC24) is the exploration of new technologies and their application to the contemporary Academic Libraries. The main thematic area of the 24th Conference is the advancement of automatization of services, the integration of new ones and the improvement of those already provided using the affordances the new digital age offers. The connection between the wider development in Academic Libraries and the current technological progress creates a “smart library”, where its environment will depend on -and meet- the requirements of the user of the Academic Libraries.
Sm@rt libraries are the future of Libraries, both at academic level- Smart Campus- and at social level -Smart Community- through the support of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), in which small computing units or sensors, interconnected to the Net, are able to collect, process and transmit information independently. At the same time, they are able to gain intelligence and interact autonomously with their environment. Academic libraries are required to exploit this type of technology for the benefit of their users by improving their physical and digital infrastructures. The aforementioned issues will be presented and discussed in the PALC24, within the framework of open science and hopefully with the integration of open technologies. We are in a developmental stage of creating a new library format and this is the main focus of discussion, which your attendance will enrich. We are looking forward to meeting you in Larissa...
The Conference Organizing Committee